bookmark_borderOhh go on then

Richard suggested I start the Scottish Blog Awards.

Shauny just said “blogmeet! blogmeeeeeeeeeeeeet!”

Richards idea has been floating around, between the two of us, for a while but would take more effort than I have the energy for at the moment.

A blogmeet isn’t so hard though. So bowing to public (Shauny) pressure I’ve started to organise another Scottish Blogmeet.

With a bit of luck THAT article might just have done me a favour as the Scottish Blogs site has added 24 new members in the last week alone.

Surely we can muster more than two people for the next one – that is if you don’t count the breakaway faction headed by Peter who claim a Blogmeet with three attendees. Hopefully this Blogmeet will finally end the feud* and bring both factions together in peace, harmony and Guinness.

* Just in case: I’m joking, we are a big happy family.

bookmark_borderScottish Blogmeet

Richard and I had a great time. I guess some better planning and advance notice would have allowed some other people to attend, as would the swapping of mobile numbers with those who said they might come along later in the evening if it was still going.

Cos it was. We ended up in the Jolly Judge, a lovely little pub down a close. Discovered Kronenburg 1664 Blanc (delicious), and got chatting to Kurt and Angela from Birmingham. He was an ex-biker, tattoo artist, and she giggled a lot. It was a fun evening.

Wobbled my way back to Glasgow on the train at about 9.30pm, quite drunk and in very good spirits.

As Richard says, that’s 100% improvement on the last blogmeet, one which I originally had said I’d go to but couldn’t, so for the next one we need TWO more people to turn up to keep that trend. Not sure when it’ll be, but I’m already thinking Spring at some point.

We did also ponder heading to Leith to surprise someone in their local, but we weren’t sure if Peter would appreciate the sentiment. ๐Ÿ˜‰

bookmark_borderScottish Blogmeet

Well I’m hitting the comment boxes, and emails are being sent, but in case I miss anyone, or you know of anyone I miss…

Scottish Blogmeet, this Saturday, The Hub (on Royal Mile) Cafe bar at 2pm.

If you fancy hanging out with some other bloggers for a couple of hours come and say hi – look out for a BLOGGER logo as I’ll have my hoodie with me, and I’ll make sure the bar staff know where “the bloggers” are.

See you there? Mine’s a Guinness!

bookmark_borderScottish Blogmeet

Edinburgh, Saturday the 11th December, venue to be confirmed.

Be there or.. be somewhere else but I’d really like it if you were there.

I’ve corrected the date. Apologies for any confusion. It is definitely on the Saturday. The 11th. NOT the 12th.