Being Social

Reading time: 3 mins I’ve written about social media before, and given presentations on Blogging and the wider use of social media as part of our professional toolbox. But that was mostly with a view to how these new technologies could be used to provide a better service to our customers. So what does social media mean to me, […]

Home is…

Reading time: 2 mins It’s over six months since I moved into my flat, and it’s only now starting to feel like home. For a while I was using the old sofa (old as in age, and as in ‘pre-divorce’) but I now have my own sofa and chairs. I have art on the walls, bookcases, lamps and, once […]

The slow road to content strategy

Reading time: 2 mins I’m always wary of buzzwords and industry fads, and will always take, primarily, a business focused view on any new theory (or strategy) that I hear about until I fully understand its real life application. Such is the case with Content Strategy. It’s something I’ve talked about on here before (under the guise of Information […]

Roll on the holidays

Reading time: < 1 min For various historical and religious reasons, none of which I pay much heed to, I will be on holiday from this Friday through to Tuesday the 3rd of May. Given that it’s only costing me three days from my holiday allowance, then it’s almost like a free holiday. Part of that time will involve a […]

Saturday sunshine

Reading time: < 1 min A quiet moment on a sunny evening. I sat in my chair by the window, opened a book and as the sun started to set behind the hills reached down to flick on the lamp. On the table an ice cold beer glistened in the light, music wafted over from the far side of my […]

Piece by piece

Reading time: 2 mins Part way through April and the discussions and planning over the past few months look like they are, slowly, starting to come together. The plans are ambitious, not only are we restructuring our information offering to make things easier to find, we are also attempting to change the way we document our product. Moving us […]