Reading time: < 1 min Friday afternoonAhh the joys. 45 minutes to go and the usual silly things start flying round email..

Reading time: < 1 min Today’s BlessingMay the fleas of a thousand Afghan camels infest the crotch of the person who fucks up ur day, and may their arms be too short to scratch. Yes, I’m having a bad day.

Reading time: < 1 min Stuck for wordsDo you ever start writing something for your blog then stop and delete it, only to start again… repeating the process ad infinitum (or at least it feels that way). Well, grab some inspiration from THE TOPICS BLOG. If none of the topics suggested spark some creativity I’ll eat my hat!* * Disclaimer: […]

Reading time: < 1 min I’m safeWhilst I remember, for anyone who is worried about the amount of time I spend in front of the computer (yes Mum I mean you), and in particular the recent news about possibly developing DVT whilst sitting at my computer, fear not. My name is Gordon, and I am a fidget. Ain’t no way […]

Reading time: < 1 min Superbowl hostingI knew I should’ve stayed up to watch it this year, but I didn’t and so I missed this Superbowl photo. Which admittedly isn’t particularly sport related.. so… ahem… moving on.. Pinky pointed out some hosting alternatives for me that would allow me to shift over to Moveable Type. I’m really not that keen […]

Reading time: < 1 min Wait, hang on…I think… yes, definitely… can feel my face again!!! God I’m starving. Time for some Google cooking methinks…