Recently Observed

Reading time: 2 mins Organised, Not Organised Having a digital calendar that I can access on my phone is wonderful. Except when I forget to put things in it. In totally related news, I have a ticket for the next Honeyblood gig (8th Dec) at St.Lukes in Glasgow going spare if anyone wants it… me? I’ll be at the […]

New Apple Hardware and Software

Reading time: 3 mins Given the upgrade cycle I choose to follow with my phone, this past week saw me get a new iPhone (7), which has a new version of iOS (10), as well as a new Apple Watch (Series II) which itself has a new version of watchOS (3). That’s a lot of new and whilst a […]

Single woman walking

Reading time: 3 mins Walking home from a gig, late on a balmy evening in the West End of Glasgow, light rain was falling as I and others plodded our way along Great Western Road, disappearing and emerging from lamp light to lamp light. Most people were heading in the opposite direction to me. It’s a nice part of […]

The Positive Limitations of iPad

Reading time: 3 mins I’ve recently made the jump from laptop to tablet as my main ‘home computer’. It sounds dramatic but, for my usage, all this really boils down to is changing my modus operandi from a multi-window to single/duel window way of working. The transition has been pretty straightforward, largely thanks to my slightly over-obsessive desire to […]