I knew it!

Reading time: < 1 min I said Conspiracy. Shame it turned out to be true: Bowie pulls out of T in the Park. Paul McCartney to replace? UPDATE: T in the Park organisers confirmed that The Darkness would replace Bowie to headline Saturday night’s main stage. “This year we have one of the strongest ever T in the Park line-ups […]


Reading time: < 1 min RSS, Atom, feed readers, news readers, syndication, XML, and a few other terms aside, what’s it all about? Prompted by Lyle finally adding an Atom feed, and this post by the venerable Mr.Sippey, I’ve been delving into this whole thing again. And once again the ‘simplest’ way for me would be to export my blogrolls […]


Reading time: < 1 min I have a little ritual when I get into work; make coffee, read email. Simple. Many other people have the same ritual. Thankfully I was slightly more awake than a co-worker of mine was this morning. I mean, do you really have any excuse when you forget to turn your coffee mug up the correct […]

T in the Park #3

Reading time: < 1 min Saturday on the King Tuts Stage Now we are getting to some of the better known artists, on the stage sponsored by one of Glasgow’s best venues (where Oasis were discovered if I remember rightly). Ocean Colour Scene + Ash – Odd one this. Ash, yes, OCS, maybe… but what does the “+” signify? Katie […]


Reading time: < 1 min Standing waiting for the lights to change, a wee Glesga granny turns to her two grandchildren: “Now, we’ll just wait for the wee green man. Jinky Johnstone.” (who?)


Reading time: < 1 min Dominic Howard has my deepest sympathies with the news that his Dad died at the weekend. On top of that and David having a sore shoulder, I’m beginning to wonder if my first visit to T in the Park is jinxed. Ohhh in case you don’t know, Dominic is the drummer for Muse, and David […]