New Beginnings

Reading time: 2 mins I self censor what I write more and more these days, and looking back at some of the earlier wordage I realise that, like me, this site has evolved. Firstly there is the constant need for approval, the checking of referrer logs to see if I’m popular or not, then the recriminations of self to […]


Reading time: < 1 min To recap or not to recap. That is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the ignomy of the past quietly, or pour over thoughts and events with a crucial eye. Or, ultimately, can I be bothered?


Reading time: < 1 min -6C this morning, and probably about the same at the moment. Thankfully a large supply of Lemsip was bought before Christmas.


Reading time: < 1 min Bob Monkhouse. I guess he had already enjoyed the high point in his career before I was aware of him. Time for re-runs, special tributes and all the contemporary comics of our time will line up and praise the man they lambasted for so long.


Reading time: < 1 min Phew. Survived. Just. Bit of a cold though. Sorry Alex, hope you had a good birthday night out.

iPOD design

Reading time: < 1 min Father of invention: “The iPod is like a cigarette pack for those addicted to music instead of tobacco.” Very apt. Of course, if you want to grab one at the last minute you are probably out of luck. John Lewis reported yesterday that they have sold out of them. Understandable as approximately 1.79 iPods were […]