In Memoriam

Reading time: < 1 min I stop myself using the phrase “my mother-in-law” because it comes with many negative connotations. You know the jokes, about how awful she is, but in truth I loved my wife’s mother like my own. She accepted me into the heart of her family, and it was a great shock when she left us so […]

City of the Dead

Reading time: 2 mins Back, bedraggled and very very damp. However us Scots are made of hardier stuff and didn’t let a few gallons of water put us off (not sure about the two Italian tourists though), so after a nice dinner of mince and tatties at Cafe Gandolfi, the McLean family (sadly minus Louise who has hurt her […]

A post about stuff

Reading time: 2 mins Last week was a struggle, this week and the blogging vista has opened up before me and lain all and any subject placid at my feet. My gaze falters across the landscape, flickering from topic to topic, each one as intriguing as the next. Bugger that though, here’s a some quick thoughts on a variety […]

The Go! Team

Reading time: 2 mins I’m definitely getting old as my ears are still lightly ringing after a fantastic gig last night. Met up with Sudhesh for a drink beforehand, and Alex joined us in the queue. As we entered the first support act was on, didn’t catch the name. One guy, some samples and beats… he was from Bristol.. […]

Once Upon a Time

Reading time: < 1 min Apparently anyone can write a book, anyone at all. Even a room full of monkeys. So there’s some hope for the rest of us I guess, I mean if a room full of monkeys can write a book then chances are I should be able to write a page, maybe two. Me? Well I’ve got […]

Less is not more

Reading time: 2 mins I posted the following in response to this thread, it’s primarily “desktop design” focussed but I wanted to post it here. This decision may or may not have something to do with the fact I’m still “stuck” and too busy to come up with anything original. Sorry. Minimalism doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing to […]