[insert title]

Reading time: < 1 min This is where a blog post would be if I had something I could or even wanted to post about. There would no doubt be some sentences, maybe a little attempt at humour, a quip or a pun, there MAY EVEN BE TEXT IN CAPITALS to signify that I’m feeling slightly indignant about something, or […]

Ada Lovelace

Reading time: < 1 min Thanks to my Mum for reminding me that today is Ada Lovelace Day. Who is Ada Lovelace? Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron, was an English writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine. Her notes […]

Not written, yet

Reading time: < 1 min Quite a lot going on at the moment, but don’t worry dear blog reader I’ve not forgotten about you, I’ve still got plenty of things to post here just not really finding the time (or requisite brain power) to focus on them and think them through properly. Here are some of the things I’ve started […]

Role of Social Media

Reading time: < 1 min A few months ago I was approached to write a piece that would be featured in a special supplement for the ISTC Communicator magazine. The supplement, sponsored by Adobe, was to be titled “The role of social media in technical communication” and after my presentation on blogging at the Technical Communications conference last year, I […]

The long wait

Reading time: 2 mins Travelling back from London last week, I landed at Glasgow on time so knew I had 30 minutes to kill until I was getting picked up. Plenty of time for a coffee and to continue reading the book that had held me engrossed for the short flight. Seating was at a premium, but I spotted […]

Upcoming ISTC Events

Reading time: 2 mins Organised under the ISTC, we hope you can join us for these events which are complimentary and open to all. London Group, Adobe Offices, Regent’s Park Sponsored by Adobe What: The Potential of using Video in Technical Communication When: Friday April 30th, 13:30 – 16:30 Followed by Drinks Reception and Finger Buffet hosted by Adobe […]