What's in a name?

Reading time: 3 mins The price of fame, in blogland, appears to be nasty comments. At least that’s what some visitors, the minority it would seem, to Naked Blog take it to be. Peter rightly points out that it is his writing that is the key element of his site, but I’m not sure that the following statement is […]


Reading time: < 1 min Blimey, it’s almost cold enough to freeze the testicles off a monkey made from a copper and zinc alloy! Anyway, my fingers are just about warm enough to type so I have a question. How long should I wait for payment before re-listing an item on eBay? The bidding ended 5 days ago, and I’ve […]


Reading time: 2 mins Blimey, it’s almost over ALREADY! A few beers on Friday night, and after dragging myself away from the pub I came home to find the remnants of a curry Louise had ordered, bonus! Admittedly after a few pints of Guinness and a spot of curry, Saturday was a little… windy. Thankfully by the time Saturday […]

iTunes Meme

Reading time: 2 mins Meme alert. Yes, always a sure sign that I’m too busy to be bothered actually putting some effort into posting here, it’s meme time. This one was stolen from Neil and has scared me a little, particularly the first set of stats. Who the hell needs that many tracks?* How many total songs? 11,937 songs, […]

4 Things

Reading time: < 1 min When in doubt, meme! (or in other words, I’ve been tagged by Ben at Binary Moon). Four jobs that I’ve had Training Squad – McDonalds Technical Author – Dr.Solomons (McAfee) Documentation Specialist – Tetra (Sage Group) Technical Communications Manager (now Senior Tech Author) – current employer Four movies I can watch over and over Groundhog […]

Here's tae Rabbie

Reading time: 3 mins Some hae meat and cannot eat. Some cannot eat that want it: But we hae meat and we can eat, Sae let the Lord be thankit. 1 Tonight we feasted on haggis, neaps and tatties in homage to the beloved scoundrel of Scotland George Galloway Robert Burns. It’s been a long time since I attend […]