On happiness

Reading time: < 1 min It’s a funny thing. Happiness. Sometimes it sneaks up on you, and it takes a while for you to realise that, fundamentally, something has shifted and you are happy. Sometimes it whacks you round the head and leaves you delirious, breathless and giddy. It washes over you and leaves you on a euphoric high. And […]

The Mothership has landed*

Reading time: < 1 min Mum is home! Look, here she is as she walked through the front door! Thank you to everyone for their kind messages of support here, and on Facebook which I’ve been using a lot more to keep people, family members in particular, around the world up to date. It’s been so handy even my Dad […]

Happy New Year (almost)

Reading time: 3 mins It’s snowing. Again. It’s the middle of March and I’m getting really bored of this weather. That said, as ever, there are worse things that could be happening. Given the recent events in New Zealand and Japan it does feel somewhat churlish to complain about some snow. That said, life continues. Mum is doing really […]

New Ink

Reading time: < 1 min Looking around for ideas for a new tattoo, I was struck with, given my personal circumstances, that 2011 would be a ‘new’ year, a year of change, growth, reinvention and all that deep thoughtful stuff I’m prone to spend a little too long pondering. Then I spotted this tattoo, which I really liked for the […]

So that was London

Reading time: < 1 min Home, fighting off a cold, thinking back over the past few days. London is always interesting, a hustling, bustling, somewhat odd place. I spent Thursday wandering around with my mate, eating a huge, delicious salt beef sandwich for lunch, chatting about life, love, and more. We, as usual, set the world to rights, and caught […]