Happy New Year!

Reading time: 3 mins Another year wiser and another excuse to compile a series of lists and memories. In many respects it’s been the best and worst of years, but two events tip it firmly in the favour of “years to forget”. More on that later, let’s get the really important stuff out of the road first. Best of […]

No rest

Reading time: < 1 min Lovely Christmas day, tempered with more bad news in the evening (more later but I’m not dwelling on it now). Delicious dinner, ate too much, drank enough to destroy my liver several times over and got some rather nice pressies as well. Yesterday was spent in the company of friends, inventing cocktails, playing board games […]

Crimbo Humour

Reading time: < 1 min Certainly not original but tickled my funny bone. A little. Things you can only say during Christmas: I prefer breasts to legs Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist. Smother the butter all over the breasts! If I don’t undo my trousers, I’ll burst! I’ve never seen a better spread! I’m in the mood […]

Soundtrack your life

Reading time: 2 mins Every now and then I find myself thinking (I hesitate to call it planning) out blog posts whilst wandering around. This is no exception and, as you’ll find if you read on, I do seem to wax lyrical a tad. No excuse or pardon is requested, just a forewarning. This gets a bit… esoteric? For […]


Reading time: < 1 min Arriving home to find a reindeer on your front lawn is always a little startling.