Influential? Me?

Reading time: < 1 min One of the reasons I started this blog was as a way of exploring my thoughts about our profession, from specific issues to wider themes. It’s only been going a few years, but I’ve learned a lot since then both writing here, and reading the thoughts of other bloggers in this industry. I live and […]

Purchase Ponderings

Reading time: 2 mins File this in the “idle window shopping for stuff I don’t need” category. BUT. If can anyone see any gaps or improvements to the following (and yes, I am largely going with Apple because it is easy to setup and I have no desire to hack, configure or otherwise spend ages of my time to […]

Remembering the basics

Reading time: < 1 min What do you call your documents? What is the first thing you do when you start writing? What is the last? All these things that you do without thinking about, the basic automation that your brain easily handles, over and over again, these things are, to you, so basic as to be forgettable. You don’t […]

And then I forgot his name..

Reading time: < 1 min Friday night, beer, an ex-colleague. He remembers me, I can’t for the life of me remember his name. In my happy drunk state I just flat out said that I’d forgotten his name, I don’t think he was offended or at the very least he was polite enough not to show that he was. Turns […]

Movie splurge

Reading time: 2 mins Dear reader, there is some risk of spoilers if you keep reading. So, if you want to your forthcoming viewing of Inception or Toy Story 3 to be sans spoiler, stop reading now. I’m now going to continue writing and presume that at least one person is still reading. It’s a vain hope but a […]

Just write

Reading time: < 1 min Just write, they say. Once you get into the habit it’ll just flow, they say. It doesn’t matter what you write, just that you write, they say. They are starting to grate. They are starting to annoy and irk and leave me breathless and angry and incapable and pathetically unable to think about anything else […]