
Reading time: 3 mins She can’t remember much of her childhood, a life spent travelling from town to provincial town, her parents picking up jobs where they could until something, as it inevitably did, went wrong. She tries not to remember the shouting and yelling, the men fighting, the women cursing, the pointing, the stares, the hasty packing of […]

TCUK10 – Social Media Models

Reading time: 8 mins As my slides are usually fairly sparse, I’ve written up some notes/transcript of my presentation. Probably best read in conjunction with the slides. Slides 1 to 4 This presentation is about models. By and large it came about after several conversations at TCUK09 and I found myself trying to explain why you’d want to blog, […]

Thoughts on TCUK10

Reading time: 2 mins Flying back on Thursday evening I pondered the sessions I’d attended, the things I’d learned and the lessons and ideas I was taking home with me and one thing was missing. A central theme. Now, admittedly by accident, the 2009 conference appeared to be centred around “conversation”. Whether it was a direct with the users, […]

Principles, Schminciples

Reading time: 2 mins I’ve never been the type of person who sticks hard and true to a set of internal, moral and ethically drive, rules. I don’t believe the world works that way, there is no black and white, only various shades of grey. Unless, of course, I decide that something is black, or white. Then it is, […]

Cardboard box

Reading time: 2 mins I have run out of cardboard boxes. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean that everything is packed, nor does it mean I have to stop moving things around and contemplating how best to pack the big ornamental candle, several bottles of various types of booze and three tea towels. But it does mean that the house is […]

Conference bound

Reading time: < 1 min There are three of us travelling down to the Technical Communications conference in Oxford. We fly down tonight, back on Thursday evening and I must admit I’m really looking forward to it. And yes, I’ve still to finish my presentation (just a couple of rehearsals left though). For those of you who can’t make it, […]