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Reading time: 3 mins It’s fairly common for us-wot-use-computers to be considered experts at all things computery. However, this is often not the case are there are so many different areas of computeriness that being an expert in all of them is, invariably, impossible. For example, please do not EVER ask me about networking. Wi-Fi or otherwise. I can […]


Reading time: 2 mins I had a few hours to myself on Saturday afternoon as Louise had gone into Glasgow to meet up with her sister and cousins for a wee afternoon out. I took the opportunity to do some shopping and, after careful deliberation, decided to buy all four shirts that I had spotted. Decadence? Not really, they […]

Status: Away

Reading time: < 1 min Finally getting over my cold. Need to chillout this weekend. Not here. Scroll down for content including, what would you do with £50million? Do manufacturers change recipes to cater for continental tastebuds? why I like reading blogs. Normal service will resume sometime next week.


Reading time: < 1 min Popped into Waterstones at lunchtime in the vague hope of finding a decent book about Microsoft Word (2003). Nothing on the shelves worth bothering with so I left. Somehow, when I arrived back at work, I was carrying a bag containing 3 recently purchased books. Such is the power of the ubiquitous 3 for 2 […]

50 million

Reading time: 2 mins £50million, that’s a lot of money. Makes me wonder…. Would it spoil some vast eternal plan If I were a wealthy man? – Topol Personally I don’t think the uppermost priority in my mind would be to build a house with “one long staircase just going up, and one even longer coming down, and one […]


Reading time: 2 mins Coffee at its best – Just opened, fresh this morning, the jar of Nescafé we brought back from Spain. Yes, that’s right, we brought back a jar of instant coffee. Why? Because it tastes GREAT! It may be because it’s not granules but powder, it may be because I don’t normally drink Nescafé and ALL […]