Less to say

Reading time: 2 mins I’ve hit a strange point in my use of social media recently. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing but I am definitely using it less. I don’t check Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram multiple times a day, and some days not at all, and as such I’m posting less and […]

The days slip away

Reading time: < 1 min Rise to the chime. The bleary eyed shuffle and the morning ablutions. Take your pills. Dress yourself. Brush your teeth every day. Floss not often enough. The scold of the dental hygienist awaits! Then to the bus. Then to coffee. Then to my desk. Computer screen glows from black. The cogs whirr into life. Around […]

Only one

Reading time: < 1 min โ€œAsk yourself if you would do it if nobody would ever see it, you would never be compensated for it and nobody wanted it.โ€ โ€“ Ernst Haas (via) There must be a reason I write. I write here, I write in a journal, I (don’t really at the moment) write short stories, and I (definitely […]

My own comfort

Reading time: 3 mins Despite what I might try to insist, to myself and others, I prefer my own company to that of others. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy being with other people, those that I love, and those that I like enough to tolerate (I kid, I kid!) but when I’m feeling in need of comfort […]