Looking forward

Reading time: < 1 min No this isn’t going to be about resolutions. No it’s not going to be long. All it is, is this: To everyone, have a wonderful 2003. I’m not sure what mine will hold, but I do know I will make the most of what I have. I will try and learn from the past and […]


Reading time: < 1 min Start drinking at 3:30pm + Finish drinking at 11:30pm = Sore head this morning. More drinks at 5:30pm, dinner at 9pm, guess what I’ll have tomorrow… In saying that yesterday was excellent. It was the (soon to be ‘traditional’) meeting of friends at Stu and Alan’s flat. Pressies were exchanged, drinks and food consumed, and […]

Catching Up

Reading time: 2 mins (The following are not in any specific order, too much alcohol still in my system to be able to follow anything resembling order….) Stuart has gone all Scandinavian on us (check those dates). Vaughan posted on Christmas Day and is looking for human contact, or maybe he’s happy talking to his plants. Mike’s Christmas card […]

Sales = bad

Reading time: 2 mins Just spent a shitload of money on Christmas? Then why not venture out for a ‘bargain’ in the Sales! (Note they are no longer the ‘New Year Sales’ when did that change?) We ventured out into the Sales. To Braehead (shopping centre outside Glasgow). If I say it was fucking mobbed will you catch my […]


Reading time: < 1 min Top Xmas celebrations. Too much food, too much drink and I’ve still got tonight, Saturday/night and Sunday night to survive! Full pressie run down soon in all it’s honest glory. How was yours?

Christmas Eve-eve-eve

Reading time: 2 mins Well, I survived the office party on Friday night. Excellent food courtesy of the new SAS Radisson in Glasgow (better picture – BIG), and a top night all in, although I must apologies to our new Sales Director as the 16 people who ended up back at his room did make quite a mess, although […]