Merry Holidays!
Reading time: < 1 min I hope the holiday season finds you all well, thank you for visiting and reading, and all the best for 2013! Gordon
Reading time: < 1 min I hope the holiday season finds you all well, thank you for visiting and reading, and all the best for 2013! Gordon
Reading time: 3 mins I have been converted. It started as a bit of a whim, a bit of a ‘hey, I might try that’ but it’s already blossomed into a wonderful ritual and, quite possibly, the beginning of a slightly fetishistic obsession. I’ve started reading blogs about it, watching videos about it, and with each new piece of […]
Reading time: 2 mins The festive season is upon us, cards have been posted, presents have been bought, and in a couple of hours I’ll head home, leaving work behind until early January. 2012 has been an interesting year. We started the year with a challenge, one of making the information we produce ‘findable’. Cutting across more than 20,000 […]
Reading time: 3 mins Yes, I know, first world problems and all that, shut up… With the news that Instagram can now start selling my photos, something I didn’t agree to when I signed up, I’ve been looking at what services I use the most and wondering if I might be better to switch all my online/digital actions to […]
Reading time: 2 mins In the New Year we are instituting a No Talking rule in my office. If anyone has a question, they have to write it down and pass it to a colleague who will then write down their response. This should cut down on the amount of chatter and conversation that, obviously, is having a huge […]
Reading time: < 1 min It’s already halfway through the month, my Christmas holiday is within touching distance (I finish up on Friday), and then it’ll be 2013. As I spent a lot of time last week in airports I did some quick (and very rough) calculations and realised that I’ve logged around 21,500 miles of air travel this year, and […]