Something I said?

Reading time: < 1 min This blog has always been a little up and down, stats are never constant with spikes and .. um… the opposite of spikes… ohh yes, troughs, littering my reports. However I guess I need to rethink things a little as comments have been very light the past few weeks. I know I know you are […]

Arena Flowers

Reading time: 7 mins Arena Flowers A while ago I asked “Would you take the money?” in reference to an email I received offering me a cash voucher in return for posting about my experiences using an online store. The answers to that question varied, but by and large you mostly agreed that, as long as I was upfront […]

Musings on X-Pubs

Reading time: 2 mins Next week I’m heading down to Reading to attend the X-Pubs conference, where I’m hoping to learn more about both how a solid XML publishing solution is implemented and, ultimately, why I need to bother. OK, I know why I need to bother so I guess I should re-phrase that to “how I justify all […]

This week…

Reading time: 2 mins … I will mostly be blogging about… hang on.. bloody hell, what’s that noise? Holy mother of all things unseasonal, hailstones! And it’s almost June, what the fuck has happened to our weather, it’s like the whole environment has been turned upside down or something. I wonder if the authorities know about this… Anyway, where […]

New Lanark

Reading time: < 1 min Having read a feature in the local paper, we headed off to New Lanark today, primarily for a wander along the banks of the River Clyde to the Falls of Clyde. Alas they aren’t that spectacular at the moment, mainly because the water is held back to drive turbines at a nearby power station, and […]

Still here

Reading time: < 1 min Just not, you know, here. My days have mainly contained watching crap TV or crap movies or sleeping. This has been keeping my mind off the fact that I can’t eat. Nothing more than a stomach bug I’m sure. It’ll pass. Back soon.