Writing about writing on writing

Reading time: < 1 min I’m always one for the latest thing, particularly when it comes to social media. So when I heard the @Ev (the man behind Blogger and Twitter) had started up something new, I was quick to check it out. His latest venture is called Medium. It’s an online writing space. At least that’s part of what […]

Focus, focus, focus

Reading time: 2 mins File this under ‘so obvious it hurts’. I recently signed up for Yelp, prompted by both the rise of people in my Twitter timeline using it and the number of local businesses on Twitter starting to smartly engage with customers. I’ve been following some of these businesses and it’s great that they ‘get’ how the interactions […]

My Overcommitment Cycle

Reading time: 2 mins I’ve written about this type of thing before but I recently read the phrase “overcommitment cycle” the other day and it reminded me of a realisation I had about such cycles. Turns out, and I know this will not be a shock to anyone, I am very much a product of my parents upbringing and […]

Why I blog

Reading time: 2 mins I’ve always enjoyed words, reading and writing. At school English was my favourite subject, with Physics a close second (if there had been a computing O Grade I would probably have taken that instead). My parents are both teachers and much of my inquisitive nature was fuelled by books; I still have, and treasure, a […]

Remember yourself

Reading time: 2 mins Poly Means Many: There are many aspects of polyamory. Each month, the PMM bloggers will write about their views on one of them. Links to all posts can be found at polymeansmany.com Let me start with a simple premise: Relationships are a compromise, and those compromises are made to find balance to make sure everyone […]