Taxonomy of Meta-Desserts

Reading time: < 1 min A Sketch Towards a Taxonomy of Meta-Desserts, is an excellent example of “people with too much time on their hands”. Remember, click the # to leave a comment.

A thank you

Reading time: 2 mins My parents did an excellent job in bringing me up. Putting aside the fact that I have to say that because they both read this blog, I do truly believe that. They taught me manners and how to have an open mind, two things I value very very highly. It is with the former in […]


Reading time: 2 mins After a long week, a night out was just what I required. The fact that the company put some cash behind the bar for us was an added bonus. Thankfully I had Saturday to myself, which is just as well as I spent it comatose on the couch, munching on chocolate chip muffins and Steak […]


Reading time: < 1 min Work is crazy busy at the moment, and general life stuff is much the same. I’m still “here” but don’t expect much from me until next week. Although I do want to ask why the radio advert for the latest “over water” ride at Alton Towers (or wherever it is), closes with the line “Hold […]

Recently I have…

Reading time: 2 mins … laughed until I cried at the way Louise’s cousin tells stories. She is hilarious. … bought some new music. More on that in another post though, but it’s been a while. I can always tell when I’m need a new ‘fix’ because I invariably start listening to old favourites on a regular basis. … […]

Reading time: < 1 min HBO|Voyeur, what is it? (it’s part of a project). “The website is a virtual city which features a four floor apartment building that you can peek into and zoom in and out of. You can also navigate through the city to peek into four other apartments in various locations. All of the storylines are interconnected […]