Day of boxes

Reading time: 2 mins Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even our boy Jack (he’s just gone down for his nap). What a lovely day we had yesterday, picked up my Mum late morning and visited my sister and her family. My adorable nieces Lucy and Daisy – who […]

Finding a way

Reading time: 2 mins Our son is almost 14 months old (no I donโ€™t know when you stop counting in months) and thriving. We are adapting to his needs as best we can and overall we have each day down to a pretty regular routine. Recently weโ€™ve started to realise we both need to carve time out for ourselves […]

Jack is 1

Reading time: 2 mins Hey kiddo, Somehow, although I’m not quite sure how, it’s been a year since your Mum and I spent all night in hospital waiting for you to arrive. One year since we met you, this tiny little boy who was chomping away on the towel he came wrapped in, one year since your first feed […]

Busy doing a life

Reading time: 2 mins Short versionLife is good, parenting is exhausting but wonderful, not much else is happening. Longer versionJack is almost one year old and thriving. So many parenting cliches are true, the time does pass too quickly and I feel very blessed and lucky that Iโ€™ve been working at home this entire time and been able to […]


Reading time: < 1 min I am still processing the news of her death. I am not a royalist, I donโ€™t believe in what they represent even if the Queen did try and change things (a little). From what I can tell, she seemed a likeable woman, not heavily burdened (a little unaware?) with her position, quick to laugh and […]

The First Father’s Day

Reading time: 2 mins It was Father’s Day a few weeks ago in the UK. I wanted to capture my thoughts, it’s just taken me a while… My first one as a Dad, with all the emotions that brings with it. Every single day I tell my son I love him and Father’s Day was no different. It’s part […]