
Reading time: 3 mins The UK is facing a general election, driven by a vote two years ago that saw the UK vote for something they didn’t understand, that wasn’t defined, and still isn’t. In the US, the President is facing impeachment, having lied, blustered, and stoked hatred at every turn. And today I’ve to write about politics? Back […]


Reading time: 4 mins Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. I can still recite this prayer, word for word, despite not having actively set foot inside a church for the best part of 30 years. I’m not sure if that is awe-inspiring (the power of the human mind!) or terrifying (mind washed chanting), but there […]


Reading time: 2 mins Isn’t the world a wonderful place? Aren’t these trees, that grass, those bushes and flowers, amazing in so many ways? Is there anything better than a baby smiling at you? Or the perpetual joy with which your dog greets you when you get home, every night? It’s very easy to look at the world we […]


Reading time: 2 mins The hurt of loss, the longing of one, the distance from those, the untouchable. I wrote those words a long time ago. Time is a great healer yet those who have lost loved ones will know, all too well, that it only takes a tiny moment to bring memories snapping back into vivid view in […]


Reading time: 4 mins There is an old joke that goes: “Before you judge a person, walk a mile in their shoes. After that who cares? They’re a mile away and you’ve got their shoes.” Badummtshhh! It is, of course, a riff on the idiom that is typically stated as “Before you judge a person, walk a mile in […]


Reading time: 6 mins I don’t like talking about money. I find it similar to discussing religion or politics, it’s can be a very divisive topic and you can soon find yourself dragged into the long grass as emotions start to kick in. I mostly don’t like talking about it because I’ve not been that great with money for […]