Naughty naughty

Reading time: 4 mins At the risk of attracting the wrong clientele, or worse, offending the current hangers on… um… devoted readers, I thought I’d tackle a subject close to my groin.. er.. heart. Actually, that’s a lie. Sort of… ohh balls, I knew this would happen. In trying to retain a sense of dignity and political correctness I […]


Reading time: < 1 min Working for 14 hours a day leaves me unable to sleep, so I’m certain that by the time the weekend rolls around I’ll be dead on my feet and happy to have a lie-in on Saturday morning. With that in mind, I’ve got one more post1 coming before I pause for a couple of days. […]

Tales of Endurance

Reading time: 2 mins Tales of Endurance by Fergus Fleming To call this book a history of exploration may seem at once both overly optimistic and slightly redundant. It is by no means a complete account of the expeditions it covers, nor is it a history per se, focussing more on the will, desire, and often the tyranny and […]

Firefox Extensions Revisited

Reading time: 3 mins Been a while since I waffled on about Firefox, but with 2.0 in Alpha (no I’ve not tried it yet, and I’d suggest you leave it well alone too) I thought it might be a good time to look at the current extensions I’m using. I’ve tried many different extensions but have pared things down […]

No smoking

Reading time: 4 mins It’s such an historic occasion that I can’t let it pass quietly… Scotland is now, legally, a “non-smoking in enclosed areas” country. Uproar and nonsense have been spewed forth on this topic for many months now, and loathed as I am to add to it I feel compelled to put forth a non-smokers view. First […]


Reading time: < 1 min The smoking ban has started in Scotland. From this point onwards my one retort, to anyone wanting to argue the case (a la David Hockney) that this law is impinging their civil rights, will be short and sweet. I don’t care about YOUR civil rights, I care about MINE, and MY civil rights are not […]