You know…

Reading time: < 1 min (stolen from the ever lovely Gunnella) … you are living in 2006 when: 1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave. 2. You haven’t played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three. 4. You e-mail the person who works at […]


Reading time: 3 mins Thank you ALL for responding so generously over the past couple of days. It’s been fun for me, and I hope not TOO boring for you. I’ve got a few ‘action items’ from it, least of all the comment form order thingy, but mostly I’m just happy that YOU seem quite happy coming here. Putting […]


Reading time: 2 mins Well that was interesting. A few random thoughts about yesterdays… um… experiment. Yes, let’s call it that. Makes it sound a little more like I planned it rather than just fell prey to the insatiable “muse of frequent blogging” (she’s beginning to get on my nerves mind you, I much prefer the caring caress of […]


Reading time: < 1 min This is not a plea for re-assurance, nor a cry for help. It IS a quick and easy post for which I make no apology whatsoever. Look, just humour me, ok? Yes… AGAIN. Why do you come here?

Stuck in draft

Reading time: < 1 min Patiently they sit, biding their time. Eager for limelight and growing nervous. What if they pass unnoticed? As the slow trickle of sand reaches an end some of them wonder if they have already missed their opportunity and, if so, what then? In past times they were given a new life under a different guise, […]


Reading time: 2 mins A stop/start weekend. Saturday saw us heading into Hamilton for some more supplies for Louise, a quick jaunt out to MacArthur Glen shopping outlet (more supplies for Louise) and then racing through to Dumbarton in an effort to beat the traffic that was sure to build up for the Cup Final on… um… Sunday. Thankfully […]