Roll on 2011

Reading time: < 1 min Ahhh the scent of the new year is on the breeze (although weirdly it’s mostly whisky and shortbread, ohh and steak pie…). I resolve to be better, to improve, in 2011. I will eat healthier. I will exercise. I will read more books. I will do the things I enjoy. I will embrace positivity and […]

What I don't write about

Reading time: < 1 min Every now and then I get a notion to write about something that irks me, a point of view or statement made by someone else that doesn’t sit quite right with me. I’ll fire up notepad, create a new blank file, and start typing in an effort to coral both my thoughts and the random […]

Merry Christmas

Reading time: < 1 min I hope you and yours have a wonderful day, a fabulous festive season and here’s to a great 2011 for us all!

Lego Advent

Reading time: < 1 min Mumsy knows me well, she knows I am still a big kid and so she bought me a Lego Advent calendar. It’s AWESOME! (if somewhat random…). Each window has a little lego kit to build, all of which will come together and, well, I’m not really sure they WILL all come together, like I said, […]

White Christmas

Reading time: < 1 min I am starting to get royally fedup with this perpetual monotone. I get it, it’s winter. Can we move on now? Along with the cold and ice and snow, the rapid filling of my calendar is a sure sign it’s the festive season. Communal gatherings of friends and family, and the usual desire to “finish […]

Looking forward

Reading time: < 1 min 2011 looms larger and larger in my view and as we start to plan out our goals and aims for the coming year, so I find myself increasingly struggle to make time to write some blog posts, add to that a couple of weeks of food poisoning, and I’m a little behind with things. That […]