Professional Pride

Reading time: 2 mins My official job title is Product Operations Manager. I’m still not quite sure what that means as the role is still fairly new to me, and to the company. My main day to day role is to help the team of Product Managers, Product Architects, Business Analysts and UX designers shape and scope out the […]

House of Cards: What can I learn?

Reading time: 2 mins Fear not, I am a fan of House of Cards so there are no spoilers here, a fair spattering of melodrama perhaps but that’s all mine and, for what it’s worth, I quite enjoy it. I am easily affected. I take on traits, mannerisms and tropes with no real forethought and file it as part […]

Exercise gone missing

Reading time: 2 mins I last went for a run in January. I’ve barely done much exercise this month other than one game of basketball. It is now the 12th of February and I can’t quite get my ahead around that. Where has the last two weeks gone? Why did they go so fast? I’m very guilty of letting […]

What being Poly has taught me

Reading time: 3 mins Poly Means Many: There are many aspects of polyamory. Each month, the PMM bloggers will write about their views on one of them. Links to all posts can be found at Looking back over the past few years, I forget just how much I’ve learned about myself in that time. Leaving a long-term relationship determined […]

2013: Moments that mattered

Reading time: 2 mins Some years have many moments, highs and lows, that stick in your mind. Looking back they can define your entire memory of a year. For me, 2013 was no different. I’m lucky that last year was mostly highs. Glastonbury being the main one centred around an event. A second visit to the legendary festival, Kirsty […]

Nothing much to say

Reading time: < 1 min Busy times. Little sleep. Not unique. All work and no play. I am not Jack. Secret parties planned (the birthday girl had a great time) on top of the usual chaos that is my calendar. Work continues to dominate more and more of my time (more confirmed over the weekend). Trying to keep enough energy […]