One down…

Reading time: < 1 min That’s January almost done then, blimey. Not been quite the month I’d hoped but, in some ways, it’s been better. Rather than having grand plans and failing to achieve them I’ve been forced to reassess my priorities and, as such, I’m much the happier for it. Seems obvious, but it’s people that matter, everything else […]

Good Customer Service

Reading time: < 1 min If you are currently looking to purchase any cookware, bakeware or other such kitchen based utensils, may I humbly point you towards Denny & Sons. The reason I mention them specifically is because I think it’s worth pointing out companies who do things properly, who care about the experience their customers have. There are plenty […]

On not worrying

Reading time: 2 mins I’m not the best qualified person to write about this but when has that ever stopped me. A few weeks back, as we rolled towards the new year, I started to ponder resolutions. It’s something I think of every new year, even if I don’t publically state them. There seems to be something about the […]


Reading time: 2 mins I’m currently in the midst of some thinking. I’m thinking about how we can improve what we do, how we measure those improvements and ultimately how we make a step change in the quality of our output. Oh no, I used that word, didn’t I. Quality. At this point I will veer away from that […]


Reading time: < 1 min 2011 is here and I’ve just about got the flat into a state I’m happy with (a couple of purchases which will require a credit card remain). So, what else? Well I’ve got a photography course starting towards the end of the month, and a few other commitments that will keep me plenty busy. It’s […]