Fire walk with me

Reading time: 2 mins “Say yes more often than no” Life is short, far far too short for some and so when something pops up and you have the chance to do something you’ve never done before, AND it’s for a good cause, well, it’s even harder to say no. And so I find myself signed up to become […]

Six by Nico: Wonka

Reading time: 4 mins This past Easter found me watching a movie I’ve loved since I was a child. It is a strange story of a strange man by the name of Willy Wonka. I have to wonder if Nico was watching too… As ever I’d been perusing the menu ahead of our visit and wondered how some of […]

G to the D for the PR

Reading time: 2 mins Do I really have to? I mean what’s the worst that could happen to a little ole blogger… what? a fine? HOW MUCH!!? Well, shit. ok. So what do I store. Well, in the database that holds all the comments ever left here (and there have been at least a few) will have your name […]

Master of Suspense

Reading time: 5 mins Vertigo is acknowledged by many to be not only Alfred Hitchcock’s best work but one of the greatest movies of all time. It is, and has been since I first viewed it, in my top 5 (usually in first or second place). The sense of creepy weirdness, the growing tension as Scotty pursues a vision […]

Vinyl is dead, long live vinyl

Reading time: 7 mins How do you pronounce it? Vahyn-l? Vīnĭl? The living room in my childhood home had a big wide bay window. Standing on either side of the windows were two tall white bookcases my Dad built. They had a deeper base section to house the record player and my parents combined record collection; my Mum was […]

Time for me

Reading time: 6 mins The house I grew up wasn’t far from a large roundabout, you could see it from where I sat at my desk in front of the bedroom window. I used to sit there in the evenings and watch the cars driving up and down the hill, round and round that roundabout. Of course I wasn’t […]