What’s next?

Reading time: 2 mins Work is busy, which is good. I invested in a stand/sit desk and spend most of my day standing which, oddly, seems to keep me focused and productive. Outside of Work I have a few other things going on AKA “small w work”; I’m finishing a rebuild of a large website which should go live […]

Black Lives Matter

Reading time: < 1 min It’s overwhelming It’s overwhelming because I’m white It’s overwhelming watching all these images all the brutality and hatred watching a man kneel on another mans neck until he dies he can’t breathe It’s overwhelming because I haven’t experienced it first hand It’s overwhelming because there are so many other forms of hatred to fight but […]

21 years

Reading time: < 1 min On the 2nd of June, 1999, I wrote about Sunglasses. Once I’d written it I opened an HTML page template I had created by hand, pasted the text in, formatted it using the few HTML tags I had available, updated all the site links to include the new post (I had a sidebar back then […]

The Recap: May 2020

Reading time: 2 mins And lo, it was June and the sun was shining and, all of a sudden, just as the world seemed to be slowly getting itself back on track, America exploded. Everything else seems somewhat removed from the reality we are living in yet we must continue. And yes, I have more words, thoughts, and emotions […]