Reading and Writing

Reading time: 2 mins It’s a vicious cycle, debilitating one moment, inspiring the next, it feeds my desire to learn and slowly pulls at the insecurity of my abilities. It is fuel on the fire, stoking my passion to explore my own literary ideas. It is the pulled thread, unravelling my dreams. Is this what it is to be […]

I am Dolly Parton

Reading time: 2 mins This post is brought to you by the Dolly Parton song ‘Nine to Five’. You’re welcome (hey, it’s been stuck in my head for days now, just thought I’d share the joy). As I think I’ve mentioned, I got a new job late last year. I now work in a big office (well, two, actually) […]

The strongest art

Reading time: 4 mins The other night I watched Under the Skin. It’s a movie that has been on my radar for a while now after my interest was piqued when I heard it had been filmed in Glasgow, and when I read about some of the approaches to filming – members of the public were used without being […]

Welcoming Lucy

Reading time: 3 mins Hello Lucy, First up I’m really glad that you are no longer bump/wriggles/it; your parents, in their infinite wisdom, decided to leave the discovery of whether you were born a boy or a girl for the big birth day itself. A lovely thing to have that be a surprise, don’t you think? Anyway, apologies, but […]

Hidden words

Reading time: < 1 min I can sense it, sitting there, judging me, mocking me. It taunts me every day. No good, it says. I ignore it. Then I think about what it holds and it reveals itself to me further, insights and ideas bloom, a rough patch of ground speckled with wild flowers. Then it changes. It changes. From […]

What’s on my phone?

Reading time: 3 mins iOS Geek Out Warning! Where would I be without my iPhone? Lost. Not literally, my sense of direction isn’t that bad, but given that I use it every day to keep on top of personal email and to do list, I use it to order coffee, listen to podcasts while commuting, it holds my bus […]