No more shopping!

Reading time: < 1 min But still got baking to do! Yup, I think I’m all shopped out and after tonight, everything will be wrapped and ready to hand out. There is then the small matter of making the trifle for Christmas dinner, and baking some bread for the Annual Christmas Party on the 27th. I’m going for two flavour […]

The untold story

Reading time: 2 mins Somewhere in a suburban town, in a slightly unkempt semi-detached house, a man, alone in a darkened room, sits hunched over a desk. Spot lit by the desk lamp, he is surrounded by scrunched up balls of paper, broken pencils, the debris of his ailing mind. He writes. The dark creeps in, smothering the light […]

Weekend of OSSUM!

Reading time: < 1 min Sometimes things just work, pieces fall into place and without really realising it you discover you are happy, content and completely at peace with the world. And, coming from a grumpy bugger, that’s saying something! So it transpired that Saturday and Sunday melted into one big pot of OSSUM. A slow paced Saturday, an amazing […]

Ho ho … ho?

Reading time: < 1 min It’s true. I’ve checked the calendar. Twice. It is definitely almost Christmas. Which means it’s almost the end of the year. How did that happen? I’m a bit disappointed that I’ve not yet managed to get the new ISTC website up and running. It’s close, so close, and after a few frustrating weeks of backtracking […]

We wish you a thingywotsit…

Reading time: < 1 min Yes, it’s definitely that time of year. The music has started to be played on the radio (where are all the NEW Christmas songs??), the first dusting of slush has plopped itself all over everything, and I’ve got a cupboard bursting with presents ready to be wrapped, not to mention cards to be written and […]

Pinch, punch

Reading time: < 1 min I forgot to open my advent calendar this morning, I don’t think my brain is willing to accept that it’s already the 1st of December. The year really has flown by in a haze of highs and lows, and all things considered I think the trend has been an upward one. Certainly finishing the year […]