3 Rings to rule them all

Reading time: < 1 min 19 days through the month and so far so good! I’ve managed to complete all three rings every day, which has included a wedding in Coventry last weekend. I’m enjoying the walks, some longer than others, and my clothes feel a little bit looser (the scales will confirm at the end of the month). However […]

Taking stock

Reading time: 2 mins You know that thing where your brain grabs hold of something, an event, a thought, a desire or loathing, and then twists it and wrings it out and leaves it floating around in your brain as either the best thing ever or the worst thing in the world? Yeah? OK, so it’s usually the latter […]

Embracing change

Reading time: 2 mins Given recent events, I’ve had a few weeks of free time/garden leave and if I’m being honest with myself, I’ve probably not done everything I could with them. Of course I’ve had some things to think about, finding a new job being a not inconsiderable part of that, but on a personal level I’m trying […]

The Magic Number

Reading time: 2 mins Three That’s the magic number Yes it is It’s the magic number Todays earworm is brought to you by De La Soul – The Magic Number. News comes in threes, or so we are told, and they are usually all grouped together. Two not so good things have happened? Ohh look out because ‘bad news […]