The Magic Number

That’s the magic number
Yes it is
It’s the magic number

Todays earworm is brought to you by De La Soul – The Magic Number.

News comes in threes, or so we are told, and they are usually all grouped together. Two not so good things have happened? Ohh look out because ‘bad news comes in threes!’, two good things have happened, ‘ohhhh I wonder what the third thing will be, this is a great week!’.

Well I’d like to buck that trend and give you three recent events that have happened. You can decide which is good and which is bad.

1. I got made redundant

It all started a few weeks ago.

I had been on holiday for two weeks, attended Glastonbury one week, a stag do in Newcastle the next, and went in to the office on the Monday to formally sit down with my new boss (over from the USA) to plan out my work. There was an HR meeting scheduled at 12.30 that day, which I presumed was to finalise my job description and title.

It was, of course, the meeting to inform me that I was a candidate for redundancy.


I’ve been made redundant twice before, but this time felt worse (even though, mental health wise, I handled it a lot better!). It was more of a shock considering that I was in the midst of moving to a new role but c’est la vie. I know why it happened, the company have been very supportive and helpful throughout the consultation process so I’m happy to move forward and see what the future holds.

2. I’m gonna be an Uncle

In the midst of all the above upheaval my sister gave me the amazingly wonderful news that she was pregnant (due in January).

Tears of happiness filled my eyes immediately and I choked back the lump in my throat to congratulate her and her partner.

I cannot imagine just how much that kid is gonna be loved and spoiled, and I’m already trying to figure out how to get ultimate ‘cool Uncle G’ points!

3. OK, I don’t have three things

But I guess when I get a new job that’ll be number three…

Onwards and upwards!

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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I’m glad it’s a more positive experience for you this time round, and I hope it all works out well, and quickly (depending on your change plans, natch) for something new.

As always, you know where I be for any idea-bouncing etc.

What a shocker. I’d struggle to deal with that. Hope you come out the other side better for it.

Thanks Gents, viewing it as a good thing and I know things will work out for the best. They usually do!

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