Not my blog

Reading time: 2 mins When I first started writing short articles I had no real plan. At the time I was inspired by reading the things that others were publishing, it was early 1999 and personal websites were slowly on the rise. Reading those words, with the slow realisation that I could do it too, seemed like a new […]

Todoist: One Year On

Reading time: 2 mins I last wrote about Todoist almost exactly a year ago and it’s telling that I’m still using it today. How I use Projects My usage has evolved a little, mostly through the use of sub-projects. In ToDoist a project is really just a bucket, but because you can have sub-projects you can quickly build a […]

The Basics

Reading time: 3 mins I stumbled across an old post of mine the other day – one of those weird moments when you google something and your own site comes up – which discussed the idea that some of the basics of a profession were a given. They could, and should, rightfully be presumed. It made me realise I […]

Ill Moods

Reading time: < 1 min With the nausea and light headedness comes the dark. The craving of melancholy, musical choices change to the minor keys, the quiet and downbeat. Lyrics flow over old wounds. It is different now, the detachment of old is gone. Replaced by a floating view, looking down on this place, the swirling moods that ebb and […]

Face Value

Reading time: 4 mins OK, let’s get one thing out of the way. Yes, I will be buying an Apple Watch. Probably. Most likely. I’m not sure when, and it’ll certainly only be a final decision after I’ve had the chance to hold one in my hand and try one on my wrist, but for me it looks like […]

How could I just kill a man?

Reading time: 2 mins It was the first time I’d killed a man. Logically it wasn’t any harder than killing a dog, the physics and physiology differ but the principles are the same. You plan the method of death, account for size and weight, and follow the plan step by step. It’s terrifyingly simple, terrifyingly easy. I can see […]