How I use Twitter

Reading time: 2 mins In his closing presentation at the recent Technical Communications Conference, RJ Jacquez outlined how he uses Twitter as a way to communicate with the users of his product, and as a way to share ideas with, and learn from, other technical communication professionals. There were several people at TCUK09 that used Twitter throughout the conference, […]

Massive Attack

Reading time: 2 mins Monday evening saw me heading into Glasgow, specifically to the O2 Academy, to indulge in some sonic overloading courtesy of Massive Attack, denizens of dub, trip hop and… whatever the kids are calling their brand of electronic noise. I’ve always been a fan and can still remember, as I’m sure many others do, picking up […]

Notes from Technical Communications Conference

Reading time: 3 mins These are transcribed from my hastily written scrawls throughout the day. Smart Authoring for a Smarter Planet The keynote presentation by Peter Angelhides Set the tone well for bigger thinking about our profession, broadening the scope to the world wide consumption of information and how it can be processed intelligently. Information for your products is […]

Scheduling everything?

Reading time: < 1 min My birthday is in a few weeks and, as is the way of things, I’ve been asked for a few suggestions for presents. Apparently “nothing” isn’t an option though, so I did some thinking and googling and as ever came up with a few books that caught my eye. The problem is that I already […]

Thoughts on TCUK09*

Reading time: 2 mins Having had a few days to process my thoughts about the Technical Communications Conference I can confidently say that it is the best professional conference I have ever attended. I’ll post up specific notes tomorrow, but I wanted to touch on some of the themes that seemed to be driven out of most of the […]

Fatefully conspired against

Reading time: 4 mins I have returned from my time in Derby. It has been an eventful and exciting week in many ways and yet, despite my best laid plans, fate decided to remind me of my position in the universe. As I mentioned previously I was travelling down to Derby (Mickleover to be precise) where I was attending […]