Strange Bias

Reading time: < 1 min Pulling together my monthly column for the ISTC (I write about blogs, unsurprisingly), I noticed something rather odd. I really, sincerely, hope this isn’t something I’ve been unconsciously doing but it does seem that many of the technical communications blogs I follow, and which I feature in my monthly column, are written by men. Given […]

Not here

Reading time: < 1 min I don’t think I’ve done this before and to be honest it’s more an experiment than anything that has particularly good reasoning behind it, yet here I am, tapping away on my iPhone. It’s because I can, pure and simple, yet there is a part of me screaming “SWITCH IT OFF!!” and begging me to […]

How to prioritise your work

Reading time: 2 mins We all have a need to make sure we are working on the most important thing, the thing that needs our attention and focus the most. Given that all of us will have more than one thing that needs to get done, you need to prioritise. But how? Ivan Walsh recently posted his thoughts on […]

ISTC & Community

Reading time: < 1 min Over the coming month or so, I’ll be casting around for opinion and insight from you, my lovely readers, particularly if you are based in the UK and especially if you are a member of the ISTC member. Why? I hear you ask. It’s because I’m planning, designing, and building, a community focussed extension to […]

Why blogging is good

Reading time: 2 mins The blogs I read are written by a reasonably diverse group of people. Naturally I steer clear of people who have hateful views, or from which I’m not going to learn anything except that they like the sound of their own voice, but on the whole I read interesting posts written by intelligent people. When […]

Finding Balance

Reading time: < 1 min My balance is quite good, says the Wii Fit Plus, but then it also says I have a “Fit Age” of 31 so what does it know. So whilst my physical balance isn’t too bad, I’m finding myself looking for balance in the other parts of my life. I feel like some caricature when I […]