Minor randomness

Reading time: 2 mins If you are squeamish when it comes to the whole “burning metal” “eye” “doctor” “clamps” type thing (the “eye” bit especially) then do NOT go and read Alan’s latest posts. Well do, obviously, cos they are well writ. But I’ll fully admit that I can’t read the last two paragraphs of part three of his […]

My old man

Reading time: < 1 min A brief post to wish my father a Happy 60th Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! We are out for a family dinner tonight, then a wee celebration tomorrow afternoon. Posting largely depends on inclination and quantities of Southern Comfort (which my sister said she’d buy! Hope you remembered Jen!).

PC questions

Reading time: < 1 min As in “Personal Computer” not “politically correct”. I really couldn’t give a stuff about the latter. 1. I currently run Windows XP Professional on my home computer. If I purchase a new (replacement) computer, can I use the license from this machine on the new one? Or do I have to pay for the upgrade […]

Why RSS doesn't quite work

Reading time: 3 mins Catching up with my blog reading, I stumbled across a post by Dana Hanna, who is currently creating “An App a Day“, in which he says the following: I have two types of feeds I’d like to subscribe to. I’ll call them hot feeds and cold feeds. Cold feeds are … things that I want […]

Like, DUH

Reading time: < 1 min I visited a small branch of a well known high street shoe repairer this lunchtime — starts with a T, ends in “impson” — and have to admit that they employ people of such high calibre that the mind boggles. As I approached the door I could see a small handwritten sign stuck on the […]

Winter cometh

Reading time: 2 mins All of a sudden, although it may have happened in the last week, the temperature seems to have dropped and winter is edging closer. The realisation that my winter wardrobe isn’t complete hit home this morning as I went to choose a jacket to wear to work. That makes it sound like I’ve a lot […]