What I miss

Reading time: < 1 min Wandering around the city centre, earphones in, observing life with a soundtrack. Apple sandwiches on soft white bread (with just a sprinkle of sugar). Running away from a soaking wet golden retriever before she shakes herself dry. Long train journeys. Hiking up hills, across moors, a fresh breeze in my face, a warm flask of […]

Bye Bye Foursquare

Reading time: 2 mins I’ve had an on/off relationship with Foursquare for a few years now. I started using it in March 2010, and the whilst the initial fun of using a ‘location based app’ (this was a few years ago when such things were new) quickly faded, it was replaced by a level of usefulness through discovery, particularly […]

Why I love Calvin and Hobbes

Reading time: 2 mins Many many years ago, a good friend loaned me a book of comics. It was a compilation of a daily cartoon strip about a young boy called Calvin and his pet (toy) tiger Hobbes. He assured me it was worth a read and he was right. I started re-reading them last night (perfect bathroom reading […]

My Sad Captains

Reading time: 2 mins I’m a huge fan of Elbow. Partly for the melodies they weave and the sounds they create, but mostly because of the lyrics which are in turn funny, acidic, bold, soaring, and achingly beautiful. Guy Garvey is my favourite poet. Their songs, whether of sorrow, elated joy, or poignant recognition often strike a chord and […]

Letting go

Reading time: 3 mins The title of my website is largely true. I’m aware of my flaws and foibles and, for the most part, I accept them and I’m happy within myself. However that doesn’t mean I’m not on the lookout for ways to be a happier me. I’ve discussed in the past how I’ve taken steps to remove […]

A boy and his dog

Reading time: 2 mins I don’t recall what age I was exactly, and I’m not sure where the picture was taken (My Uncle Bill took it) but this picture of me and ‘my dog’ on the bridge on the approaches to Lindisfarne on the Holy Isle in Nothumberland is about so much more than the fleeting moment it captures. […]