The First Father’s Day

Reading time: 2 mins It was Father’s Day a few weeks ago in the UK. I wanted to capture my thoughts, it’s just taken me a while… My first one as a Dad, with all the emotions that brings with it. Every single day I tell my son I love him and Father’s Day was no different. It’s part […]

Things I’ve read

Reading time: 2 mins Fighting the Shame of Skin Picking /// A Bicycle Is an Anti-Poverty Machine /// Is Your Brain Foggy? Here Are Five Ways to Clear It /// Ukraine war: Putin has redrawn the world – but not the way he wanted /// How to have less stuff /// How Sweden Sends Just 1% of Its Trash […]

Hello again

Reading time: 2 mins If in doubt, write about what you haven’t written about even though you’ve been trying to… In the past when I’ve struggled to find time/motivation/words for this blog I’ve resorted to some cliched posts and, well, here’s another one. I had planned to write about Father’s Day, given it was my first one as a […]