
Reading time: < 1 min Overwork This kind things is a bit scary… (link courtesy of Kottke)

Seasons Greetings

Reading time: < 1 min Merry Christmas I’m just getting in ahead of schedule as I doubt I’ll be posting much over the festive season. Have a good one, see you next year (or maybe sooner…)


Reading time: < 1 min Bleuch… winter is here. Not done a thing here for ages, caught in a rut which I will break soon I promise. A re-design for one (prolly during my Xmas hols) and I may even try and post more than once a week!!


Reading time: < 1 min No motivation to post. Sorry. Down, down, down.


Reading time: < 1 min Still here. Still having ISP hassles. Can’t believe it’s almost December, past the initial Harry Potter rush ( advance screening for us!), and past some family issues. Still stuck a bit with nothing much progressing, and already putting things off until the New Year (by which time I will no doubt find another excuse). To […]


Reading time: < 1 min All is quiet. Still trying to move ISPs, still trying to decide on what to do with the site, still trying to figure out a re-design, still got loads of questions, still figuring out loads of answers, still got a head full of rubbish, still got an urge to write about it. So guess that […]