The wilfully inconsiderate

Reading time: 4 mins I can’t recall where I saw it, or heard it. It might have been on the radio, it might have been on Twitter, or it might have been a line an article I read somewhere. Annoyingly I can’t recall the exact phrasing but given I can’t even find it to quote it I don’t think […]

Finding the fun

Reading time: 4 mins It helps that we live part way down a hill, so the minute I get on my bike I can pump the pedals a few times and head down it to get that instant burst of speed and feel the wind in my ha.. well, you get the picture. It had been a week or […]

Happily Happy

Reading time: 5 mins It was a fairly standard evening. We’d had our dinner and were watching a little TV together, it’s part of our routine to unwind and destress from our working days, we chat over dinner and then spend a few quiet moments sitting together, distracting ourselves with (currently) episodes of Modern Family. As soon as she […]


Reading time: 3 mins Over the past few weeks I’ve been trying to be more mindful and considerate of where I spend my time. As such I’m not on Facebook all that much, I find Twitter holds less and less appeal, and only Instagram remains as my main ‘idle scrolling’ habit these days. I guess it’s easy to fathom […]

The Recap: June 2020

Reading time: 2 mins Stasis, is that the right word? It feels like the last few weeks have slipped by largely unnoticed. Watching Black Lives Matter news, reading and learning what I can, the start of the end of lockdown, the return of sports and more, it’s all been a bit of a blur. That said, it does feel […]