Bye bye TOTP

Reading time: 2 mins We hadn’t planned to watch it but we happened to flick past just as the show started and sat there, engrossed, for the entire hour. I occasionally put up with Steve wossisname if I stumble across TOTP2 as I like the mix of music, and the last ever Top of the Pops felt a bit […]

A question

Reading time: < 1 min We’ve got a busy weekend planned so this’ll likely remain here until Sunday night. If you have a day off work and wake up at, say, 5.45 a.m. what’s the first thing that you think of?

Flock this

Reading time: 3 mins The name of this site —Informationally Overloaded— isn’t just a witty title. Firstly, it’s not that witty, and secondly it’s becoming increasingly true for many people. There are two things you can do to counteract the growing feeling of “I must be missing something” that I’m sure some of you can identify with: Turn off […]


Reading time: 2 mins I’m working at home today and as I was up early I took my first coffee of the morning out into the garden. I sat there in quite contemplation, watching the baby birds flit from tree to tree, enjoying the morning breeze as it gently buffeted the willow and teased the bamboo. Our back garden […]


Reading time: 2 mins Attempting to read Naked Lunch. Struggling. Whilst there is some gorgeously grotesque imagery and I don’t mind the clipped language, it’s all a bit.. well.. rambling. I can’t get a fix (!) on anything as it veers all over the bloody place, and that’s after 100 pages or so. Will persevere but not for much […]

Power Track Chosen

Reading time: 3 mins First up, thanks to everyone for the great response, it’s very much appreciated. As I said, the best suggested “Power Track” will win a CD of the following playlist (plus a few other tracks that I’ve already picked myself). Picking tracks for someone else to run to is tricky as everyone runs at a different […]