Teaching tolerance

Reading time: 6 mins My Gran was, and I say this with love for a woman that I adored, “a little bit rascist”. She was also a bit of a homophobe, a bit bigotted, and tended to be sceptical of anything that didnโ€™t fit in her world view of being white, straight, and Methodist. That’s not to say she […]

Some more about me

Reading time: < 1 min Recently I was interviewed for an article, about me, that was posted on our company website. Me. I’ve only been there a year! Apparently they must think I’m very interesting (which I am, to me). I was, of course, able to provide more dazzling insights into my suave and considered life – if you are […]

Six Thousand

Reading time: 2 mins This is my 6,000th post. Almost 1.5 million words and counting. It’s a bit bonkers really. It’s one thing to consider the time that has passed since I posted my first ever blog post, but quite another to look at the build up stats surrounding this odd little place. Yes I know, if you do […]

Plans and goals and things

Reading time: 2 mins My life is on hold.My plans have wavered.My dreams are simpler.My hopes are vivid.My goals have shifted. As parents, Becca and I are well aware that it’s easy to lose yourself in the day to day of caring for our son. The weeks collapse on each other, and before you know it June has arrived. […]

How NOT to make a smoothie

Reading time: 2 mins I work in an office 3 days a week and, on those mornings, I prepare a smoothie to take with me for my breakfast. I make it the night before, as buzzing up a smoothie at 6am is likely to wake my toddler and I’d rather not do that to him, or my wife. So […]

Busy busy

Reading time: 3 mins I’m almost approaching my first year at Allied Vehicles and I’m busier than ever but, looking back I can see how far things have come since I joined. It’s a very small team, in a very fast paced environment and a lot of what I’m trying to do is help mature our own processes. With […]