Just not, you know, here.
My days have mainly contained watching crap TV or crap movies or sleeping. This has been keeping my mind off the fact that I can’t eat.
Nothing more than a stomach bug I’m sure. It’ll pass.
Back soon.
Just not, you know, here.
My days have mainly contained watching crap TV or crap movies or sleeping. This has been keeping my mind off the fact that I can’t eat.
Nothing more than a stomach bug I’m sure. It’ll pass.
Back soon.
Think of all that weight you’ll lose!!
(Not that I think you need to, of course…)
There’s one of those going round my place at the moment. Either that or people are taking advantage of the nice(r) weather.
I’m *not* still here.
For the second time in 6 months, my web server has melted, leaving all my various websites (and email) broken. Except that this time the web hosts say the virus that infected the server has deleted all of their backups too. So I’m pretty well shafted. I’ve lost absolutely everything, as I don’t have personal backups ofr the mySQL databases.
But enough about me. Hope you feel better soon Gordon.
Sorry to hear you are not well hope you are better soon, something you drank perhaps – oh no thats us
All that disturbs us is the throaty hum of the little planes traiñing banners past the 5-star hotels along the beach. Only the tourists look up squinting in the sunshine. The lizards stay motionless in the baking heat, suckered vertically on the adobe walls of the beach huts and helados stands. The waiters ignore the noise as they weave through the loungers on the terrasse, their gleaming trays glistening with ice-cold drinks beaded with condensation and fancy straws topped with parrote whose chests expand when you open them like Christmas decorations. The cinnamon-coloured butterfly flits from strelitza to oleander to Jacaranda on the balcony gardens and the little`pair of hoopoes flutter like turtle doves- only the distinctive black and white plumage and crested heads give them away. It is election time here in Gran canaria, Spain. Catelina Canderas wants to be Mayor of Mogan, Jesus Barbel,regional MP and Mario Aurelio a Spanish MP. It´s a simple process, there are three vacancies in each area- 1 cross for each candidate ( obviously in Jesus´s case…) 70 – 80 % turnout, held on a Sunday so that education is not disrupted and the votes counted by hand – gotta be a winnner dont´ya think ?
Hoping King Juan Carlos stops by as he has a holiday homon the neighbouring island of Lanzarote and is known to island-hop in the quieter season- i.e. now!
Sorry dear readers – a Cuba Libre calls, jammed with ice, chunks of coconut and lime and a nifty umbrella that dad doubles up as a toothpick. Ãou can take the man out of the Vale …..
Sorry break for 2 Cuba libres – The sparrows continue to take sugar-frosted Magdalena sponge cake from my hand while they perch on the balcony rails. Sadly along with the Election posters are those of a disappeared child – Joachim Vergas who vanished on the 15 of March – there are also those for Madeleine McCann…
Being sick sucks doesn’t it. Hope you’re feeling better soon. Start with a few crackers and some weak tea first before getting too adventursom with the food.
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