
Start drinking at 3:30pm + Finish drinking at 11:30pm = Sore head this morning.

More drinks at 5:30pm, dinner at 9pm, guess what I’ll have tomorrow…

In saying that yesterday was excellent. It was the (soon to be ‘traditional’) meeting of friends at Stu and Alan’s flat. Pressies were exchanged, drinks and food consumed, and the time flew by far too quickly. When people start falling asleep you know it’s been a good afternoon!

And so, onto tonight. More friends, more booze, more food. A sedate, civilized dinner with acquaintances or sitting getting pissed in the pub? Well kinda both I guess.

Well, better get back downstairs, Louise is in ‘spring clean’ mode and has dismantled half the kitchen cupboards to make sure there is no ‘old dirt’ left over from 2002 when we enter 2003*. Luckily I don’t hold with such superstitions.

Ohh and we will be greeting the New Year on Loch Lomond watching the fireworks and floating the night away. Reminds me, must go and buy a couple of lifejackets!

* On re-reading this I would like to point out that we do not live in a hovel. Our house is clean and germ free at all times, well the times that count anyway…

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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