Style by list

Reading time: 2 mins I’ve never been to Moscow, but we talk about it all the time at work and, cos I like to plan things and use lists to help me cope with stressful times, like moving from a house to a flat and the splitting up of 14 years accumulated crap, well the topic of Moscow has […]

In Space

Reading time: < 1 min Tentatively he walks forward, through the rolling mist that envelopes him. Here and there sparks flash, pockets of light float past, a million different shades of sparkle and dark. Unsure of where he is going he continues to move forward, an outstretched hand reaching for something he can’t see, a presence he can’t touch. She […]


Reading time: < 1 min Pushing down on me, pushing down on you, no man ask for.. Top tune that. Greatest band in the world, don’t ya know. So, how’s yer bum for lovebites? As an Irish friend was wont to say. Remember how I said about the possibility of things getting a little mental and how the next few […]


Reading time: < 1 min There might be news tomorrow. Good news that is. I am NOT counting any chickens though. I am NOT crossing everything that can be crossed. I am NOT praying to a deity I don’t believe in. I am NOT going to follow the viewers round (on their ‘final look before deciding’) muttering “please, please, please, […]

5 years time

Reading time: 2 mins Where do you want to be in 5 years time? Hands up everyone who has been asked that in an interview at some point (now quick, put your hand back down or your colleagues will start to stare..). Having been in my current job for just over 3.5 years, I thought it would be interesting […]


Reading time: < 1 min He is the child that can’t wait. Pensive, tense, excited, irritable, his mood swings back and forth from feigned nonchalance to fervent fretting. One moment he is oozing laissez faire, content to let life swing onwards, safe in the knowledge he will pick things up when he must. The next he is arrogantly unforgiving of […]