Happy New Year!

Another year wiser and another excuse to compile a series of lists and memories. In many respects it’s been the best and worst of years, but two events tip it firmly in the favour of “years to forget”. More on that later, let’s get the really important stuff out of the road first.
Best of 2005

  • Best ‘new’ blog (to me at least) – Southern Bird
  • Best blog post – impossible to tell, I’ll just direct you to troubled diva’s PoW competition.
  • Best software – the find of the year, for me, was definitely uTorrent
  • Best book – A Million Little Pieces edges it, just.
  • Best movie – Ray
  • Best album – Aerial by Kate Bush.
  • Best gig – Foo Fighters (simply because I was releasing four years pent up desire to see them live)
  • Best comedian – Lee Evans pips Eddie Izzard for the simple fact that I actually did end up with a little escaped pee in my pants. He was THAT funny.

The downside of 2005
Of course the year was dominated by two events, my father’s heart attack and the sudden passing of Louise’s Mum. My Dad is doing great, and having changed his diet and upped his exercise he really is a new man, it’s had the side effect of giving me a kick up the backside as well.

Louise is bearing up, although Christmas was hard, and is looking forward to seeing her Dad in a couple of weeks; he’s doing OK too, spent Christmas with some friends. Whilst I’m not in denial, I still find it hard to believe Grace is no longer with us. I can’t even begin to fathom how Louise feels, despite talking about it both frequently and at length I don’t think you CAN know unless you experience it. All I know is that it breaks my heart to see her so upset, and me so powerless to do anything to put the world right for her. She is ‘getting better’ though, and our family and friends have been wonderful.

I’ve had to re-edit the previous paragraph to remove every cliche ever known to man, or woman for that matter. Funny how they are only considered cliches because they are true, especially when dealing with ‘true friends’, comparing ‘blood to water’ and so on…

The upside of 2005
Blogwise I can happily confess that I’ve never updated my blogroll as often and with such quality sites. There are many new names on there (on the left) and while the new sites impress, the ‘old hands’ continue to get better and better. I could (have!) lose entire days absorbing what I can from your blogs, yet no matter how many talented writers I read I seem destined to remain stuck with my claw-handed fumbling and pawing of the English language. You gals and guys are an inspiration, thank you for writing.

And of course another year saw another Scottish blogmeet. It’s always fun meeting people who share a hobby and this year was no exception with not only a great turnout but a fabulous bunch of people too, a great time was had. I’m slightly disappointed that I didn’t get time to organise a second meet but I’ve already got plans for 2006!

Of course I should mention my new venture which has been well received. Whilst I do have a few plans for the first half of next year, beyond that the sky is the limit so fingers (legs, eyes, arms etc etc) crossed.

And finally
In closing I’d like to thank everyone who has read, or commented on, this site in 2005. It’s a funny little hobby but it keeps me out of trouble and has introduced me to a lot of fascinating, intelligent, talented and funny people. Not to mention a few hot babes too (pix, southern diva, pink….). I’ll also single out Adrian for offering not only the most comments but, without a doubt, the highest ratio of spelling mistakes per comment, it’s just as well the quality of his comments is so high. Finally a mention for Lyle, a gentleman who has helped me out of some rather deep and messy coding holes, very much appreciated.

So without further ado, I ask you all, ladies and gentlemen, to charge your glasses and raise them in a toast:

To the year 2006; as we slide down your bannister, may all the splinters face the other way

Happy New Year everyone. Take care of you and yours.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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