Friday Five

Reading time: < 1 min Friday Five 1. If you could eat dinner with and “get to know” one famous person (living or dead), who would you choose? Wow, just one? That’s a toughie – Martin Luther King Jnr.? Hitler? Margaret Thatcher? Robert F. Scott? Einstein? John Lennon? Ayn Rand? Arthur C Clarke? John Lennon probably. I think he would […]

Friday Five

Reading time: < 1 min Friday Five 1. What is your favorite time of year? Spring I think, or maybe Autumn, Winter’s not too bad either. 2. What is it about your favorite season that, well, makes it your favorite season? Spring: I like the cool days, occasional sunshine and all tha growth and new greenery. Autumn: cool evenings, the […]


Reading time: < 1 min Friday Five (Belated – obviously) 1. What’s your favorite animal? Tiger probably. 2. What pets have you had in your lifetime? Numerous goldfish all destined to be flushed away, a hamster called Muffin, and I grew up with my golden retriever Sintra. My dog, a boy’s best friend. 3. Is there any specific pet that […]

Eclectic Five

Reading time: 2 mins Phew Blogger is back up, I can start posting…< It's official. I'm eclectic. It's always good to hear from you dear reader, and, just as I too have recently started to contact people I've 'met' through their blogs, I received an email from Stuart, just a quick hello, but that’s all it takes – hmmm […]

Friday Five

Reading time: < 1 min Happy St.David’s Day everyone (well everyone in Wales…) the friday five 1. What’s your favorite vacation spot? Having not been away too often, I would have to say that Nerja, in South of Spain would be mine. It was our honeymoon location, and has a whole host of special memories that won’t be captured anywhere […]

Friday Five

Reading time: < 1 min The Friday Five 1. Hey, baby, what’s your sign? Do you think it fits you pretty well? I’m a Libra, and it always seems to be a bit tight for me, maybe I should lose some weight. 2. What’s the worst birthday gift you’ve ever received? NOT being taken our for dinner. I was promised […]