
Reading time: < 1 min Bassett’s Fruit Allsorts are top. Want one?.. ohh sorry, I appear to have eaten them all. My Gran (85?) uses phone banking. Ryder Cup heading destined for Europe?

Radar O'Reilly

Reading time: < 1 min Transit of Venus, dying young, iTunes Music Store Europe? And can anyone explain to me why spiders turn upside down when they die (of natural causes, not by being stood on obviously…). Do they, in their death throes suddenly leap onto their backs and curl up?

All quiet

Reading time: < 1 min Working at home has it’s advantages. I get oodles more done as there are no interruptions, impromptu meetings or random co-worker distractions (I’m as good/bad as anyone at all providing all of these mind you). Yet home working is still viewed with some scepticism. Sure it means you can structure your day differently than a […]


Reading time: < 1 min Privacy International Media Release about the Snoopers Charter. The what? you ask. Well whilst the government was keeping us all occupied with the ID Card proposal, it was pushing a new law through the House of Lords. This law will allow “The data β€” relating to who you phoned, who phoned you, mobile phone location, […]


Reading time: < 1 min We seem to have spent most of the weekend (and most of our monthly budget) shopping. We’ve not ‘been away’ on holiday for several years and our wardrobes were in dire need of updating with some ‘holiday’ clothes, so we hit the shops yesterday at 9:15 a.m. and got home around 3pm. Back out the […]

Calling all europhiles

Reading time: < 1 min Did you realise that, according to a journalist in the US of A, Europe still doesn’t get the Internet. I won’t comment on the fact that… ohh bugger it, I will.. we do get the internet, in fact I have been accessing the internet since 1995. Did you mean, Mr. American Journalist, that Europe doesn’t […]