Last week…

Hello all, apologies for my absence last week, couldn’t be helped, c’est la vie and all that.

So a quick catchup. Last week was my induction week for Graham Technology and the only downside is that it made me feel very old. This is only because the majority of the other ‘new starts’ were fresh out of university, thus limiting conversations about, say, the Smash aliens, or even about how you found information on the internet before Google existed. I am old.

Other than that it was an excellent week, very informative and even this old head learned something new. They even managed to hold Graham Technology’s 21st birthday party on Friday night, and there are rumours that I was drinking tequila and dancing like a loon. Rumours. Honest.

And so to Saturday and the arrival of my new PC.

Ha. Fucking. ha.

Walsh Western, you are a shower of incompetent wankfucks.

And that, via a few games of rugby and a very dodgy movie (National Treasure, which apparently thinks it doesn’t need a storyline), brings us to Monday morning. I’m off to listen to Neon Bible in preparation for the Arcade Fire gig tonight. I’ll try and catch up on what YOU have been doing a little later.

Ohhh, almost forget. It seems I may be quoted in the Sunday Times yesterday. It’s not a paper I buy… does anyone still have a copy?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Generated image of a Scottish landscape and the words NEW YEAR on a banner


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Generated image of a Scottish landscape and the words NEW YEAR on a banner


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Yes, have a copy. No didn’t spot a quote but then haven’t read most of it. Where’s it likely to be?

National Treasure absolutely sucks balls. One of the most ridiculous films I’ve had the misfortune to catch. (although, fortunately, not pay money for)

In fairness, it did manage the impressive task of making the Tomb Raider films look like high art in comparison. Quite an achievement.

There was a time when Google didn’t exist???

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